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Quality is our language

May 8th, 2020|Blog, Press room - EN, Uncategorized|

Norak once again achieves recertification for the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015 standards, passing with flying colours an audit carried out by the certification body TÜV Rheinland. This year, as well as annual monitoring audits, it was time to go through the process of re-certifying our quality assurance system. [...]

Twenty-first-century recluses

April 15th, 2020|Blog, Press room - EN, Uncategorized|

First of all, congratulations to you for staying in and protecting our health services and our seniors. Despite reports of ‘covidiots’ who go out and make fools of themselves, the vast majority of the world is staying in, tired of staring at computer and TV screens. You might be [...]

Streven naar wereldwijde economische solidariteit

April 15th, 2020|Blog, Press room - EN, Uncategorized|

De ‘Handelskammer’ is een vereniging die als doel heeft om de onderlinge banden tussen zakenmensen te versterken en de belangen van zijn leden te beschermen. Deze zogenoemde ‘Boards of Trade’ bestaan uit leden en bedrijfseigenaren uit een bepaalde plaats of met een gezamenlijk belang, kunnen echter ook een internationale [...]

Working together towards a coronavirus-free future

March 31st, 2020|Uncategorized|

On a global scale, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are working around the clock with governments to discuss the COVID-19 epidemic. The need for translations is greater now more than ever before to ease adjustments to support vaccine developments, handle the demand, and possible obstacles to drug supply chains. It [...]

Telecommuting our new reality

March 24th, 2020|Uncategorized|

COVID-19 the Coronavirus Pandemic has forced employers to send employees home, working in office is no longer a viable option. Telecommuting simply refers to the practice of exercising one’s job outside the company’s office. Telecommuting can refer to different categories such as remote work, virtual jobs, or work from home [...]

Coronavirus beïnvloedt werkzaamheden Norak niet

March 9th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Beste klanten en partners, We willen u graag laten weten dat de Norak Group voorbereid is op een eventuele toespitsing van de coronacrisis. Mochten onze kantoren de deuren moeten sluiten, dan zijn en blijven we nog steeds in staat om alle werkzaamheden zonder problemen uit te voeren. We hebben [...]

Translations kick-starting your race to industry 4.0

March 5th, 2020|Uncategorized|

In today´s digital age, technology has become omnipresent. We use it to function daily. Its continuous and ever growing integration in our lives is only going to escalate with time. This presence is especially felt in the way our economy operates. Consumer behavior is immensely impacted by digital technology; [...]

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